B201B27FC8995F4F73D97E53FF2E8354 Comic Adventures & RPGs: Star Wars D6: Pre-Made NPC's for GMs to Use in Their Games

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Star Wars D6: Pre-Made NPC's for GMs to Use in Their Games

In the world of tabletop RPGs, having a stash of pre-made NPCs is an essential tool for game masters (GMs) to keep their campaigns fresh and engaging. As a GM, categorizing NPCs by their encounter type can be incredibly useful. This includes non-combat, combat, possible side quest, and no significant game value encounters but inserted to see how the PCs react. In this blog post, we will be sharing a few pre-made Star Wars D6 NPCs that you can easily plug into your games. While game preparation is enjoyable, sometimes you just need a quick reference to keep things moving.

One classic NPC encounter is the Side Quest Smuggler. In most campaigns, players will have a crew and a spaceship, making it easy to add a side quest transport encounter. For instance, the players could be tasked with delivering a code box to someone on planet X while keeping it hidden from the authorities. This encounter can lead to new campaign possibilities and take players on unexpected adventures. We've included the NPC stats for you to use in your games.

Name: Jax Rendar Species: Human
Gender: Male Age: 32 Height: 6'0" Weight: 175 lbs
Blaster: 5D+2 Dodge: 5D Brawling Parry: 5D
Alien Species: 3D+1 Bureaucracy: 3D Cultures: 3D+2 Intimidation: 3D Languages: 3D+1
Planetary Systems: 3D+1 Streetwise: 5D Value: 4D+2
Astrogation: 4D+1 Repulsorlift Operation: 4D Space Transports: 5D+2
Starship Gunnery: 4D Starship Shields: 4D
Bargain: 5D Con: 4D Gambling: 4D+2 Hide: 3D+2
Search: 4D+2 Sneak: 4D
Brawling: 4D Climbing/Jumping: 3D+2 Stamina: 3D+1
Swimming: 3D
Computer Programming/Repair: 4D Droid Programming/Repair: 4D
Repulsorlift Repair: 4D+1 Security: 5D Space Transports Repair: 5D

Blaster pistol (4D) Comlink Medpac Tool kit
Datapad Stun cuffs
1000 credits


Jax Rendar is a roguish smuggler with a fast ship and a quick trigger finger. He's always looking for a big score but isn't above taking on odd jobs to make ends meet. He's got a quick wit and a charming personality but watch out - he's not afraid to get his hands dirty when the situation calls for it.

Another NPC that can be useful in campaigns is the Merchant. Merchants can be used to provide players with adventure items from planetary markets, hinting at future events, or even introducing possible upcoming nemesis. For example, players may come across a merchant selling beskar armor, which could potentially become crucial to the story later on. Keep these pre-made NPCs handy, and you'll be able to add fresh content and keep your campaigns exciting.

Name: Vanya Telora Type: Merchant DEX: 2D+1 KNOW: 3D+1 MECH: 3D PERC: 3D STR: 2D TECH: 3D+2

Special Abilities:Bargain: Vanya is skilled at negotiating prices and can reduce the cost of items by 10% per pip on the Bargain skill roll.
Connections: Vanya has contacts in various markets throughout the galaxy, which can be useful for finding rare or hard-to-find items.
Knowledge: Vanya has extensive knowledge about the different markets, prices, and trade routes in the galaxy.

Equipment:Blaster Pistol (4D)
Various trade goods and supplies
In many Star Wars roleplaying games, one of the first encounters your players will have when they land on a new planet is with the spaceport officer. As a GM, it's always helpful to have some stats prepared for this encounter, just in case things take a turn for the worse. For example, your players might be smuggling contraband and the officer discovers it. Having pre-made stats can save you time and make the encounter more seamless.

Name: Dock Master K'Tell

DEX: 3D+1 KNOW: 3D MECH: 3D PER: 4D STR: 2D+2 TECH: 3D
Special Abilities: Intimidating Presence: Dock Master K'Tell has a commanding presence and a no-nonsense attitude, making it difficult for others to lie or deceive him. He receives a +2D bonus to his Perception skill when attempting to detect falsehoods.
Security Clearance: As a spaceport officer, K'Tell has access to restricted areas and can provide temporary clearance to those he trusts.

Equipment:Blaster Pistol (4D)
Stun Baton (STR+2D stun damage)
In conclusion, having a library of pre-made NPCs is an excellent tool for any GM to have. By categorizing them based on their potential role in the game, you can quickly and easily find the right NPC to insert into a session. There are many resources available to find pre-made NPCs, but creating your own can be just as easy once you get the hang of it. Whether you create your own or use pre-made NPCs, having them accessible and ready to go can save time and make your sessions smoother and more engaging for your players.

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