B201B27FC8995F4F73D97E53FF2E8354 Comic Adventures & RPGs: Fan-Made Star Wars Comic

Fan-Made Star Wars Comic



ISSUE #1 The Formation of the Taskforce

    Who wouldn't love Star Wars? The timeless saga of good vs evil captivates us with its iconic blaster battles and powerful Force users. With a vast galaxy featuring billions of planets and star systems, the possibilities for creative storytelling are truly endless. George Lucas has given us a playground for our imagination, where we can invent new stories without limitations. They don't have to be canon or blockbuster films; they just need to come from our own imagination and be as captivating as we want them to be.

   As a fan of fan fiction, I believe it enhances the world-building experience. That's why I've decided to contribute to one of the most beloved franchises of all time by creating a comic story. My goal is to add to the rich saga of Star Wars and provide fans with an enjoyable experience. I would love to hear your thoughts on my addition to the universe.

    It's important to note that I don't own any rights to the Star Wars franchise. My Fan-Made Comic primarily uses cut-and-paste artwork, but it's not meant for commercial purposes. Rather, it's just a personal story that I created and wanted to share with others.
I hope you enjoy.


On Coruscant in 25 BBY, just twenty months before the outbreak of the Clone Wars, tensions were mounting in the capital planet. Despite this, Detective Roe Dane was focused on a more pressing matter: capturing a murderer. The suspect, a Transdosion male named Merrak, had brutally killed a human couple for a mere handful of credits. Determined to bring this criminal to justice, Dane was determined to apprehend Merrak on this night.

Detective Dane was stationed in a bustling sector of Coruscant. He had made a name for himself in the force, rising through the ranks over the past five years, starting as a beat cop and earning a promotion to detective for his exceptional work solving petty crimes. But tonight, was a defining moment for him. With his sights set on capturing a murderer, he was determined to prove his mettle as a top-notch detective.

As Detective Dane returned to his precinct, he was called into the Chief's office. The Chief informed him that his hard work had not gone unnoticed and that he was being promoted to a prestigious, top-tier unit. Despite the exciting news, Dane was filled with self-doubt. Despite his accomplishments, he struggled with low self-esteem and wondered if he was truly ready for this new challenge.

Detective Dane had not ventured to the upper levels of Coruscant in years and had almost forgotten the feel of sunlight on his skin. Nevertheless, he mustered the motivation to enter the command headquarters, where he was greeted by a security officer who asked for his orders. The guard then provided him with directions to the floor where the special unit was stationed.

As Detective Dane went about his business on the planet's surface, Lieutenant Ava McDaniels, a ranking officer in the Planetary Defense Force, was overseeing a task force focused on capturing pirates. Coruscant was facing a serious problem with its shipping convoys being repeatedly robbed, and the P.D.F. was determined to put a stop to it. McDaniels was leading the charge to solve this pressing issue.
As a young officer, Lieutenant McDaniels had ambitious goals of becoming a commanding leader in the Republic. Despite her youth, she never shied away from tough challenges and worked tirelessly to move up the ranks. Her determination and dedication have made her a rising star in the military.

Given the opportunity to join a special task force, Lieutenant McDaniels eagerly accepted. She recognized that working within the command of the Coruscant Security Force would provide her with the experience and exposure she needed to further her career and reach her goals.
In the gritty, crime-ridden lower levels of Coruscant, two veteran officers, Roc and Jon Mur, have made a name for themselves as the ones who bring justice to the city's toughest criminals. The brothers have seen and dealt with the harshest realities of the lower levels, and they are unwavering in their pursuit of justice, no matter what it takes.

Roc and Jon Mur are unaccustomed to recognition for their policing efforts. The authorities on the planet are more concerned with keeping the criminal activity contained to the lower levels, rather than acknowledging the hard work of the officers. However, the brothers are unwavering in their duties and committed to maintaining law and order in their assigned area.

Dr. Azzar was a highly regarded bioengineer at the Republic Medical Center. His passion and expertise were dedicated to tracking and neutralizing the dangers of bio-engineered weapons, as well as finding cures for even the most debilitating illnesses. Given his exceptional abilities and dedication to improving the lives of others, Dr. Azzar was an ideal candidate for the elite task force being assembled by the Coruscant Security Force.
Yurro was a highly skilled White-hat Slicer known for his expertise in stopping cyber attacks from even the most dangerous of slicers. He was assigned to the prestigious Republic Senate Building, where he worked tirelessly to protect the sensitive information housed within. Regarded as the best in the business, Yurro was a sought-after asset in the fight against cybercrime.

Prior to the formation of the task force, Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum and Senator Shev Palpatine of Naboo held a private meeting. They discussed the growing threat of systems seceding from the Republic and expressed their concerns regarding the safety of the capital planet, Coruscant.

Senator Palpatine saw the formation of the taskforce as a means to gain control over their findings. He masked his true motives with a façade of kindness and offered to assist, but his underlying plans were far from benevolent.
Now that the task force has been assembled, the question of who would lead the team arises. Ava initially believed she would be the leader, being the only officer on the team. However, upon the introduction of the actual commander, it became evident that the person assigned by the Senate was the true leader of the group.

Before departing, the commander issued a single instruction to the team: "Report only to Senator Palpatine, not even to me." This made it evident that the team was being monitored by the highest levels of government.

I hope you have enjoyed this tale and I would be grateful if you could share your thoughts with me. Your feedback means a lot and it encourages me to keep writing. If you'd like to support me and my writing journey, I've added a link to my coffee fund. I am an independent writer and this is my passion. Thank you for being a part of it.

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